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Run. Meet. Connect.




Run. Meet. Connect.



Let’s face it, dating is like a sport these days…so why not break a sweat doing it!  Run2date came about because we saw a real need to create a fun interactive environment where like-minded active professionals can meet and connect. 

The idea is simple, register like any other 5K and then select a category that best describes your current relationship status.  From there, all you need to do is lace them up and we’ll do the rest!

Run (or Walk) for fun or run to impress, no matter which…it’s all good!  After the race, cross the finish-line and enter into a private post-race event featuring open bars, chill-out areas, food, professional DJ, music, interactive displays, games and some other really cool stuff, all under the city lights.

Oh, one more thing. Get on-site early to join-in the group warm-up.  A good stretch is always key for staying loose and a great opportunity to check out your fellow runners.

Registration closed

Event details: 

Downtown Miami 5K edition: TBA

packet pick-up: 

  • On-site race day, noon-6:00pm

Event Day:

Start Time: 6:45pm

Warm-Up: 6:30pm

Private Post-Event: till 11:00pm

Parking: TBA

 Thanks for checking us out…hope to meet you there!

